Lupin, blue bell, fir tree & pine...

...she once was a true love of mine.

This is a proclamation. I hereby release my first-ever zine! It's called "The Last Girl in the Woods" and is a visual short story where I continue to follow the thoughts I had in my degree work last spring. This time, instead of focusing on objects, rooms and scenes, I have tried to translate the same themes into images. It is in short, a day in the life seen through the eyes of the Last Girl in the Woods.

The zine is available in the Bergslagsgatan shop as from today!

16 pages, edition of 10.

Many thanks to my dear friend Fredrik for helping me out with the printing ♥

A day in the life

A quiet day at home.

Those who make

Some time ago, I was asked to make a small contribution for Those Who Make - a curated blog featuring interviews and videos with people who design and make great stuff, such as myself :)

There were five questions to be answered, along with five photos illustrate my practice - one of me, one of my workspace, one of my favourite products that I make, one process photo and one photo of my five favourite tools! I had a great time putting together this material, so thank you guys for letting me participate!